Heutagogi, Self-Determined Learning, Prospective Elementary School Teachers / Prospective Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teachers
This research aims to implement a heutagogical approach, or self-determined learning, in the educational process of prospective elementary school (SD) and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) teachers. The heutagogical approach places prospective teachers at the center of learning, allowing them to take the initiative in designing and managing their own learning processes. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach, where data is obtained through observation, interviews and document analysis related to the heutagogy-based learning process. The research results show that this approach is successful in increasing the motivation and involvement of prospective teachers in the learning process, as well as encouraging the development of critical, creative and reflective thinking skills. The implementation of heutagogy also helps prospective teachers to be more adaptive and responsive to changes in the educational context, as well as equipping them with the ability to continue learning and developing throughout their careers as educators. Other findings show that prospective teachers who are involved in heutagogy-based learning are able to develop more personalized and relevant learning methods, which not only increase their understanding of the material, but also their readiness to face challenges in the field. Overall, this research concludes that the heutagogical approach is an effective strategy in preparing prospective elementary/MI teachers to become independent, innovative and competent educators. By adopting this approach, educational institutions are expected to be able to produce teachers who are not only able to teach well, but also have the skills to continue to adapt and develop in facing the ever-changing dynamics of the world of education.References
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Andriani, N., Ulfatin, N., Imron, A., & Sumarsono, R. B. (2023). Heutagogy and Indigenous Knowledge in Integrated Thematic Instruction and Character Education. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 17(7), e03692.
Chamo, N., Biberman-Shalev, L., & Broza, O. (2023). ‘Nice to Meet You Again’: When Heutagogy Met Blended Learning in Teacher Education, Post-Pandemic Era. Education Sciences, 13(6), 536.
Cochrane, T., & Rhodes, D. (2013). iArchi[tech]ture: Developing a mobile social media framework for pedagogical transformation. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29(3).
Colella, D., & D’Arando, C. (2021). Teaching styles and outdoor education to promote non-linear learning. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21, 507–513.
Dewantara, I. P. M., & Tantri, A. A. S. (2022). Heutagogy-Based Didactic Design of Indonesian Language Online Learning. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(8).
Friedman, Z. L., & Nash-Luckenbach, D. (2024). Has the time come for Heutagogy? Supporting neurodivergent learners in higher education. Higher Education, 87(6), 1905–1920.
Gibbs, P. (2009). Learning agreements and work‐based higher education. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 14(1), 31–41.
Lan *, W. (2005). Self‐monitoring and its relationship with educational level and task importance. Educational Psychology, 25(1), 109–127.
Mahoney, A., Fetherstonhaugh, D., & Rayner, J. (2024). A heutagogical approach to building the residential aged care workforce capability and capacity. Australasian Journal on Ageing.
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Muhid, A. (2021). Heutagogi: memerdekakan mahasiswa belajar di era revolusi digital. Inteligensia Media.
Mupaikwa, E. (2024). Artificial Intelligence-Driven Instruction and Its Impact on Heutagogy and Student Engagement (pp. 101–123).
Nugraheni, A. S. (2017). Bahasa Indonesia di Perguruan Tinggi Berbasis Pembelajran Aktif.
S., A. K., B., M., & Karthika, V. K. (2024). Reimagining English Language Teaching: Towards Developing a Heutagogical Framework. Higher Education for the Future, 11(1), 76–89.
Sanjaya, W. (2015). Penelitian Pendidikan Jenis, Metode, dan Prosedur,.
Snyder, M. (1979). Self-Monitoring Processes (pp. 85–128).
Stoten, D. W. (2024). Positioning through epistemic cognition in higher education: conceptualising the ways in which academics in a business school view heutagogy. Higher Education, 87(4), 991–1007.
Sugiyono. (2005). Penelitian Kualitatif.
Sugiyono. (2016). Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Manajemen.
Syafri, U. A., Maya, R., & Primarni, A. (2021). Implikasi konsep heutagogi dalam pendidikan Islam kontemporer. Ta’dibuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 10(1), 45–56.
Willison, J., & Buisman-Pijlman, F. (2016). PhD prepared: research skill development across the undergraduate years. International Journal for Researcher Development, 7(1), 63–83.