Peran Muallaf Center Dalam Pembinaan Keagamaan Muallaf Di Yogyakarta

  • ghazali stainu
  • Topan Hidayat UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Keywords: Role Muallaf Center, Coaching Religion Muallaf


This study aims to determine how the adjustment in the conversion of a
convert. Subjects were reverts Center Yogyakarta. This study is a qualitative
research with phenomenological approach. Data obtained and collected through
semi-structured interviews and observations by using interview guidelines and a
checklist. Then, the data is analyzed using data reduction, display / presentation
of data and make inferences / verification interactive model of Miles & Huberman
(1984). The results showed that the problems experienced by a convert Center
Yogyakarta is family issues, career and employment, and marginalized by society.
The individual who has religious conversions "more work" that adjusts from a
change in themselves and habits to get a good relationship with others and the
environment. Problems related to the most fundamental change is present in the
life of a convert after deciding to perform conversions require an adjustment,
especially in devotional practices and in families that do not convert to the faith of
the subject. Role Muallaf Center through coaching is one way to help with the
adjustment to convert


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How to Cite
stainu, ghazali, & Hidayat, T. (2018). Peran Muallaf Center Dalam Pembinaan Keagamaan Muallaf Di Yogyakarta. Al Ghazali, 1(1), 59-84. Retrieved from