• Ani Maftuhah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Purworejo
Keywords: Smart Prasasti, Islamic Digital Education, Multiculturalism, Educational Technology


This article examines the integration of Smart Prasasti in Islamic Education as an innovative model for fostering multicultural awareness in the digital era. The research focuses on the implementation of Smart Prasasti in Loning Village, Kemiri District, Purworejo Regency, where a historical plaque of Tuan Guru Loning is linked to technology via a barcode, providing digital access to historical information. This study aims to address three main research questions: (1) How can Smart Prasasti enhance public understanding of religious values? (2) To what extent does this technology contribute to strengthening local history education? (3) What role does Smart Prasasti play in promoting multicultural awareness, and what challenges arise in its implementation? Based on interviews and observations with informants from various backgrounds, the findings reveal that Smart Prasasti is effective in increasing religious understanding and local historical knowledge, as well as fostering multicultural awareness among visitors from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. However, challenges such as limited internet access and social-cultural resistance hinder its implementation. This article recommends improving technological infrastructure and conducting community education to overcome these challenges, ensuring the sustainability of this model in more inclusive and multicultural Islamic digital education. 


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How to Cite
Maftuhah, A. (2025). INTEGRASI SMART PRASASTI DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM. Al Ghazali, 7(2), 53-71.